I have been using Linux daily since 2009. Like most people in the field of information technology, I’ve used Microsoft Windows on a daily basis as well.
- Motherboard: Gigabyte Z97-HD3
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4440
- GPU 1: Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller
- GPU 2: AMD Radeon RX 460 Graphics
- Memory: 16 GiB
Software (Wayland)
- Window manager: sway or river
- Application launcher: fuzzel
- Editor: neovim
- File manager: yazi
- Idle daemon: swayidle
- Image viewer: imv
- Lock screen: swaylock
- Music player: mpd and ncmpcpp
- Notifications: dunst
- PDF reader: zathura
- Status bar: waybar
- Terminal emulator: foot
- Video player: mpv
Software (X11)
Note: I’m no longer using the X11 setup below. It served me well for a long time, but I’m moved solely into the world of Wayland.
- Window manager: dwm with pertag and vanitygaps patches
- Application launcher: dmenu
- Editor: neovim
- File manager: nnn and yazi
- Idle daemon: xautolock
- Image viewer: nsxiv and feh
- Lock screen: betterlockscreen
- Music player: mpd and ncmpcpp
- Notifications: dunst
- PDF reader: zathura
- Shell: zsh
- Status bar: dwmblocks
- Terminal emulator: st (particularly this fork) or wezterm
- Video player: mpv
- Web browser: Brave and Mozilla Firefox